Hands up. How many of your are feeling that start of the year fatigue already?
Christmas and New Year are a distant memory and you’ve already given up on your resolutions. What you need is a musical pick me up of just unavoidably happy songs to shake away those January blues – even just for a couple of minutes. These are songs that scream of sunnier skies, pushing through the grey and windy weather, and fighting to survive another gloomy day.
Mr Blue Sky: ELO
I Will Survive: Gloria Gaynor
Happy: Pharrell Williams
I’ll Be Ok: McFLY
Run Away With Me: Carly Rae Jepsen
Friday I’m In Love: The Cure
Walking On Sunshine: Katrina & The Waves
Grace Kelly: Mika
What The Hell: Avril Lavigne
Here Comes The Sun: The Beatles
LDN: Lily Allen
5 Years Time (Sun, Sun, Sun): Noah and the Whale
Anything Can Happen: Ellie Goulding
You Make My Dreams: Hall and Oates
So, chins up my lovelies! Let me know what your favourite feel good ‘beat the blues’ songs are in the comments below
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