It’s the been the surprise trend of the year, but it looks like the 90’s fashion revival is definitely here to stay for the long haul (at least until the inevitable 70s hippie revival in Spring 2015).
I’ve been wanting to write about the revival, as a child of the 90s, as it’s just so so weird for the fashion from that generation to now be on it’s way back into circulation much in the same way my parents find it weird every time the 70s or 80s revivals come round every few seasons (sorry Mum just gave your age away a lil’ bit). I also keep calling it a revival as I point blank refuse to be considered retro or, dare I say it, vintage *shudders*. There’s been a few trends from this era I just can’t trust myself to get behind again – *shudders again at the thought of plastic choker necklaces and brown lip liner* – but Normcore is the one I can totally advocate.
According to Vogue, Normcore “…is all about anonymous, detail-free design” and the trend agency K-Hole, who were the first to coin the phrase, define the Normcore movement as moving “…away from a coolness that relies on difference to a post-authenticity that opt into sameness”. Well, that’s all good and well, but what does that all mean to us, the everyday fashion wearing public?
Though similar to minimalism – which in itself stems from more ‘futuristic’ cuts – Normcore embraces the everyday and even dull day-to-day basics. The 90’s-ness of this trend seems to have stemmed from The Gap aesthetic of a mix of casual slouchy lounge wear and most of Monica and Rachel’s wardrobes in Friends, with the 2014 remix born from New York cool. And whilst some may shy away from wanting to revisit those high waisted denim jeans of the past, but the 2014 version of this style has been given a new lease of life thanks to flag bearers like Cara Delevigne and seems to have been happily embraced by many in the blogging community.
Personally I love it. It’s all the simple-ness of minimalism mixed with an everyday accessibility, and with it’s focus on quality basic pieces it’s fitting with the switch in my mindset to reach for that dream capsule wardrobe.
So what do you guys think of Normcore?
A flash fashion trend? Or a staple mindset that’s here to stay?