Tag: graphic design

  • Beautiful Books | My Favourite Book Cover Designs


    Hello my name is Ria and I’m a book magpie. What is that I hear you say? Well, as I wander the shelves of bookshops, unless I’m after a particular novel, I’m usually instantly drawn to the prettiest and most interesting covers before anything else. From fancy typography to beautiful illustration, I feel book cover design has come on leaps and bounds in the past few years. Here are five of my current favourites…


    Landline by Rainbow Rowell

    All of Rainbow Rowell’s books have fantastic and bright colour designs, but I adore Landline’s the most. From the sweeping typography, to the bold retro inspired illustration of the telephone, the whole thing is just so eye-catching. Not only is the dust jacket great, the book itself is a gorgeous mustard yellow colour with the same typography emblazoned on the spine.


    The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly by Sun-Mi Hwang

    I was really taken by the plot summary of this book, but gosh isn’t the illustration on this stunning too? It’s so rare to find books that are so delicately designed these days and there’s such as a subtle beauty to this one. This is also a perfect example of beautiful back and inside cover design too.


    A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

    I’ve seen a couple of designs for A Monster Calls, but I knew when I saw this at YALC I had to have this one. Like The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly, this one is chock full of detail with illustrations that take inspiration from nature.


    The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides

    Bold, striking with illustrations that hint at one of the novel’s themes. This is definitely my favourite edition of TVS that I’ve seen around and I love the metallic foiling on the roots of the tree.


    The Beautiful Land by Alan Avrill

    Normally I’d be fawning over the cover, but the spine of this book is really what I love the most on this occasion. The contrast between the text and backdrop is gorgeous and I love the subtle use of colours too. The spine’s design also carries onto the blurb’s typography, so clever!

    So let me know what you guys think and leave me the names of some of your favourite book cover designs below!

