Hey fam!
My name’s Ria, a ‘Millennial’ in my late-twenties currently living and working in London.
Born in the Philippines, raised as a Brit. I’m a writer and adore stories in any form, from books to poetry, movies to musicals, Twitter threads to Instagram captions.
I’m big on pop culture and its effects on the wider world, so am naturally a stickler for truly diverse representation and storytelling.
I am all parts of the stories I’ve been fed, have consumed, and have actively sought out.
So, what is Thoroughly Modern Millennial?
TMM (as I lovingly call it) has existed in different forms for nearly 10 years. I started blogging in 2010 mostly to talk about fashion, with a smattering of Uni-life musings. As time went on and my tastes changed I’ve gone from a fashion blogger, to book reviewer, to lifestyle commentator, to….well, a bit of everything.
TMM has been many things but as of right now it’s a personal reflection of who I am as a person.
So expect a few snippets on my writing journey, from actual pieces of creative writing to notes on how I manifest as a writer and thoughts on literature, books, the publishing industry, and the writing community.
I’m also not one to shy away from hard topics like racism and sexism. I consider myself an ally and want to use this platform to uplift the voices of those who are underrepresented in the World.
There will be fangirling, in all its forms, from raging rants to odes to the pop culture pieces I love. (Because joy is important on this strangle old planet)
Basically, like me, Thoroughly Modern Millennial is a blog made up of all parts of the stories I’ve been fed, have consumed, and have actively sought out.
Stick around for a while!
You can also find me ranting about on Instagram and Twitter. I occasionally post reviews and bookish bits on Blogger’s Bookshelf too.