Another month gone! Can you believe we’re already over halfway through the year now? As if June wasn’t hectic enough July, seems to have also flown by in the blink of an eye. From the crazy travel month of June, I ran headfirst into graduate life and a graduate job! Nothing like moving straight back into the workplace to keep you on your toes right? As I’m officially back into the 9-5, it also means ending an era and leaving my retail job at New Look, which I held since I was 16! Crazy stuff, but it does mean I’ve finally got my weekends free after so many years of shift work.
Oh and of course there was the small matter of actually graduating from University this month. I wrote a mini post about the day already and despite now being in a working routine, I still feel like I’m in some sort of post-grad haze of ‘what am I doing with my life’.
Like you guys care? You’ll wanna know what’s going down on the blog right? It’s slowly dawning on me that I will have been running Wishing For Chanel for almost four years come December. And whilst I’m happy just bobbing along and writing and posting as I like, now I have some time to focus on my hobbies again I’m keen to kick it up a notch on the blog. I’m looking at a platform switch, some new design work and possibly a domain, but have been waiting for the dust to settle on real life to get any of this done! Not to mention I’ve also got Blogger’s Bookshelf and, having had a bit of hiatus, will be rekindling my writing up on Feminist [In Training] too.
So yeah, the Uni era of my life may be up but that doesn’t mean things are slowing down in the slightest. Onwards and upwards I say!