This Week… | 2 week round up

Instagram 8-12-12
Day #80 – Day #81 – Cafe Nero Caramelate Nom – Unpacking the decorations – Christmas Tree! – Flailing over Glee #whatsnew –  Day #82 – Day #83 – Favourite Christmas song – Day #84 – Morning sky – Day #85 – Day #86 – Elle, Cosmo & Company for £6 = nice – Spidey on my TV instead of X Factor – 

Soundtrack: Crazy 4 U by R5 
A two week round up edition today. I managed to get sick in the last week of November and couldn’t get much else done other than lie in bed feeling sorry for myself and re-read a favourite fanfic of mine – don’t judge. So apart from resting up, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 
We got our decorations out in our house and at work and I’ve even done most of my Christmas shopping already this year! It’s really about to get busy the next few weeks with Christmas parties and prep for the end of the year, can any of you believe how time has flown? 

The most exciting news of the week has definitely been my blog’s 2nd birthday! In celebration I opened up a giveaway yesterday, so make sure you check out the post and enter. The giveaway closes on the 22nd December, so be sure to get your entries in! 

Other than that, Blogger’s Bookshelf is still going strong, I have a review coming tomorrow actually ;), and we’re looking for guest bloggers! Message me, Erin or Blogger’s Bookshelf with a review of your favourite book or tweet us if you want to get involved. 
I’m also writing a NaNoWriMo round up post with Lucy and some other fellow WriMo’s, again message me if you want to get involved and share your experiences. Because of the crazy busy-ness of November I only hit 20k, but am still pretty chuffed I even managed to do that!

Keep on wishing…