Tag: poetry

  • Poetry | New Waves

    Poetry | New Waves

    Hot heat simmers from the lines on my palms
    I breathe in the pain, the fire, the steam
    Exhaling comfort, I extend out my arms
    I’m here

    Bonded together in the rain
    We raise our hearts to the black tar sky
    A hum, a glow, under our furrowed brows
    It comes in waves
    A beaten rhythm of protests past

    Not alone, we cry
    Hope. Carried over oceans with a sigh

    — — —

    Have been feeling a lot of ocean imagery this month in all my creative writing, here’s a teeny snippet. Photo credit @sergeebee

    Ria Xx

  • Poetry | A Feminist Prayer For A New Year

    Poetry | A Feminist Prayer For A New Year

    I.       Write
    Tell tales of a Brave New World
    less damaged than our own
    fragmented universe
    Or else, allow us to escape
    into a tangled narrative of imagination

    II.     Fight
    Like a girl. Like a boy. Like them.
    Like you, for them
    Bite bullets with a passion so loud
    it seals your imperfect skin
    from the burn of a thousand suns

    III.   Rise
    among the voices.
    Among the trauma, the hurt,
    the gut wrenching loss
    Together we a stronger,
    but you must first feel the call
    Can you hear now?

    IV.   Rinse, clean

    And repeat.

    – R. Cagampang (5.1.17)

    — — —

    A little ditty inspired by my personal feminist work ethic for the coming year. Enjoy.

    Ria Xx

  • Poetry | Inner Adventurer

    Poetry | Inner Adventurer

    My inner adventurer loves to climb.

    Trees, cliff tops, mountains.
    She swims oceans , circles coastlines.
    The stars guide her way.

    ‘No need for maps’ she proclaims.
    Conquering Everest is all in a day’s work.
    She has mastered the Incan trail, battled through forests and desert storms
    (She has the battle scars to prove it)

    Language proves no barrier to her excitement
    Connection fuels her, intrigue is infectious
    Dancing in the shadows of the rialto,
    Singing alongside buskers in the rain
    Jumping into the clear blue with sailors

    My inner adventurer has seen the Seven Wonders
    And yet the horizon line never fails to take her breath away
    She stands in awe of towering cities, overhanging trees and endless canyons
    This tiny planet holds so much promise, so much beauty to comprehend

    My inner adventurer has not surfaced just yet

    But maybe, someday, she’ll be brave enough to try.