With the hype for Catching Fire already building and after the wonderful costume spectacle that was The Hunger Games, it’s no wonder the designers are at it again. This time three wedding dress designers have taken on Katniss’ infamous white wedding gown from the beginning of the book – much like when the likes of Erin Fetherston and Tibi took on her Opening Ceremony outfit. This particular wedding dress is used in the novel not only to get the Capitol crowd clapping, but it also literally sparks the start of a rebellion.
The brief below offers some insight to what it should look like.
“He unzips the bag, revealing one of the wedding dresses I wore for the photo shoot. Heavy white silk with a low neckline and tight waist and sleeves that fall from my wrists to the floor. And pearls. Everywhere pearls. Stitched into the dress and in ropes at my throat and forming the crown for the veil. Even though they announced the Quarter Quell the night of the photo shoot, people still voted for their favorite dress, and this was the winner.” – Catching Fire, Suzanne Collins
Check out their designs below…
*images via Hollywood