Beauty | Best Online Cruelty Free Stockists

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One of the challenges I have with the British high street is finding a decent range of cruelty-free products.
Though I much prefer physically buying beauty products in store, to test out the colours/pigmentations of products, as a cruelty-free advocate it can be hard to find niche CF brands in places like Boots – and sometimes (sadly) Lush isn’t enough!

Shopping online can also be a mind field and finding stockists can be tricky, especially when you’re just to figure out which products you should and shouldn’t buy, and which stockists are the most reputable. Luckily there are really great online retailers at hand who sell a range of ethical products online.
Here are four places to get your cruelty-free beauty fix without the hassle.


I stumbled on this site after trying to find a decent online stockist for Nailberry and found myself in an an absolute treasure trove for cruelty free beauty. LoveLula, rather handily you have the ability to sort by both Peta and BUAV approved product lines (amongst other global certifications for Vegan, Organic and Ethical registers) and by skincare concerns. They also *drumroll* have a beauty box! Which is fantastic news to me as I can’t really rely on Birchbox or Glossybox to provide cruelty free lines in theirs.


A company focused on both eco-friendly and ethical beauty Naturisimo have an extremely clear cut policy in regards to which types of products they stock. They have over 100 brands on their site, most are toxic-free and they have a no holds bared stance on animal testing too. And the best bit? Free worldwide shipping! Win/Win.


I was recommended to Cute Cosmetics on Twitter and really think you guys should check them out too. Cute Cosmetics are an Independent company who specialise in stocking cruelty free, natural, organic and vegan make up and skincare. There’s, again, a really nice range of products from some big hitters in the CF arena, including Burts Bee and Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics.

Cocktail Cosmetics

Another great independent company are Cocktail Cosmetics. The stockist aim to be a one stop shop for cruelty free products and they’re certainly on track to be just that with their pretty extensive brand list. As they also pitch their business to make up artists, you can guarantee the products they do stock have the backing of the pros. They’ve also got a physical store up in the Birmingham Bullring, so if you find yourself up North don’t forget to pop in!




4 responses to “Beauty | Best Online Cruelty Free Stockists”

  1. Jennie May Avatar

    This is super helpful, need to have a good look through these sites and see if anything catches my eye! xo

    1. RCagz Avatar

      No problemo Jennie :) honestly you could get lost in the stocklists of some these it’s amazing Xx

  2. Lucadonta Avatar

    I haven’t heard of a few of these, this is great! For skin care I love My Pure :) x

    1. RCagz Avatar

      Ooo haven’t heard of My Pure, thanks for the rec :D Xx

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