Hi friends,
I’m Ria. Your friendly neighbourhood 30-something Millennial.
Pop culture enthusiast. Lover of stories. Advocate for a more diverse world.
Building a habit hard. Building a habit as a writer is even harder. I’ve always wanted to be one of those writers who picks up their pen for 15 minutes or longer a day, and pens something that eventually adds up to make something great. It was easier when I was younger. I felt as…
Hello friends It’s been a while hasn’t it? You know I’m not one for apologies and honestly I don’t think there needs to be one. If you follow me elsewhere you’ll know that I’ve generally not had the brain space or energy to blog. I put out a grand total of five posts. The lowest…
I’ve said many times that I’m long past the point where I care about hitting particular milestones to determine my ‘adulthood’. That can sometimes be hard for someone who doesn’t have an engagement ring or sonogram photo or keys to my own place to boast about in a Facebook status One of my favourite writers…
I knew setting the lofty goal of aspiration for 2018 would be hard. That’s the whole point. I am ‘aspiring’ to go bigger. I’m ‘aspiring’ to be bolder. I’m setting my own standards so high that they are a little out of reach because I know it’ll pay off in the long run. But achievements, change,…
We’re talking a ‘taboo’ subject today and one that’s still seen as inappropriate to be so brazen about. Finances I know. Snoozefest. But since opening up about earnings and spending habits to friends and family I’ve personally found it less scary to actually approach something that’s a bit dry and still a bit dirty to…
We may be headed towards the end of January but with a month working through the Kick Start Your Creative Heart writing programme I’m now in more of a position to know where I stand with all of my writing projects. Like in 2017 I have a number of goals I want to achieve with…