Non-Fiction For A New Year

Just a over halfway through January fam! Still feeling inspired? Or are you flagging a bit? Never fear, here’s my quick fix recommendation. Pick up one of these four non-fiction books to help give you a boot up the backside and get that ‘New Year, New Me’ feeling back again.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert

This was my 2017 ‘get your head in the game’ January read, so the inspiration it’s given me is very much fresh in my head. Elizabeth Gilbert, likely most famous to most as the author Eat Pray Love, tackles creativity in her latest dive into self-help. The book is mostly about harnessing and embracing creativity, with a spiritual and mindful approach. To be honest some of it does get a bit too spiritual for my liking, but some of the ideas presented about creativity being more of a sentient being than a personal characteristic is definitely interesting.

Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own by Kate Bolick

You may remember my review/follow up post on this one last year, but if you’re perhaps struggling with your single status this one is for you. It provided me with a nice reminder that our self worth should not be measure in romantic entanglements and that plenty of women have flown whilst in and out of relationships. The of the point being we should embrace our wonderful, individual lives.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain

Classified under one under one of the books that changed my life. I reviewed this one eons ago, and even though I identify more as an extroverted introvert nowadays it’s a nice one to flick back to every so often. Useful for both introverts and extroverts alike, Quiet so eloquently restores faith in the idea that introversion is your biggest strength, not a crutch.

The Good Immigrant (edited by Nikesh Shukla)

I love a good essay collection and The Good Immigrant is certainly one of the most thought provoking I’ve read in a while. The stories and personal essays are all written by BAME authors, artists, and actors on race and diversity. Some are serious, some humourous, but they’re all insightful and wonderfully written. It’s particularly great to hear experiences from minorities living in the UK, as often conversations about race tend to focus more on the US narrative.

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Have any of these pick already inspired you? Are there any that I have missed off the list that you think I should read?

Ria Xx


3 responses to “Non-Fiction For A New Year”

  1. Jane Avatar

    I think I’ll be putting Quiet and Spinster on my kindle – both sound interesting and are relevant to me, haha. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. Sonya Avatar

    I read Big Magic last year and I’m already looking forward to reading it again in February to help keep me boosted through the month (I read The Art of Asking this month and it was such a great inspiration, as well). A few years ago I read Quiet, too, and it was fascinating! And of course I liked that it was relatable seeing as I’m such an introvert myself!

  3. Anjali-This Splendid Shambles Avatar

    I am so bad at reading non-ficiton. I always see neat books that look and sound really great, but never pick them up. Must change that! These sound amazing!

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